What is Leveling?

What is Leveling?

Leveling is the 'documentation' for working out.

Designed to eliminate the trawls for the best workout for beginners or how to lose weight fast, it's one simple place for anyone looking to better themselves, develop healthy habits, and look (and feel!) better.

'Leveling' comes from the fact that regular working out shares many similarities with 'leveling up' in a game. In a sense, working out is a real life RPG. So this website is simply a tribute to the best ways of 'Leveling'.

What you'll hopefully take away from all of this is that working out isn't just going through the motions of lifting weights and 'enduring pain', but rather can be an incredibly holistically rewarding process.

Who is Leveling for?

Leveling is designed for absolutely anyone with zero to intermediate knowledge of basic resistance training and eating habits. The website takes a very foundational, ground-up approach, so don't be afraid if you know absolutely nothing!

More specifically, Leveling is written with hypertrophy training (muscle-building) in mind. Note that this doesn't necessarily correlate to becoming bigger; rather, this can be taken as people who work out with a primary focus on aesthetics. So if you're someone who works out primarily to build lean mass, lose weight, or improve self confidence and body image, then Leveling is for you!

What do I need to get started?

A subscription to any gym with basic resistance training equipment (dumbbells, barbells, machines etc) is ideal as it makes the process of working out much easier.

However, you can start working out without any equipment at all! A nearby playground can be very beneficial, as can pullup-bars, a low-hanging branch, some milk cartons filled with sand, etc etc.

Why Leveling?

'Leveling' is not a traditional 'program'. Rather, it's a philosophy. The goal here is to provide an up to date, scientifically accurate foundation on the principles of successful muscle building, weight loss and overall body recomposition. The principles work in tandem with many other programs out there.